Hi Guys!
A while a go, I came up with the idea to create a photo frame that can be easily updated and be unique to you. Quite a few friends at Uni strung string or wire across a wall which looked fantastic but I always thought how cool it would be to create something you can move and contain in a particular space. Hence coming up with this...
You will need:
- 1 old photo frame (any frame really!) Up-cycle :)
- Black paper or backing paper of some sort
- Twine or old fashioned string
- Tiny wooden pegs (from a craft store or Dollar shop)
- Tape
1. Take the back off the frame and take the glass out
2. Paste or stick down the black/backing paper onto the back board of the frame.
3. Cut lengths of string wide enough for the frame.
4. Tape the strings down on the back of the backing board. Make sure there is a little a bit of slack on the strings on the front.
5. Put the backing board back into the frame and secure.
6. Place the pegs on the string at intervals you like.
7. Hang up photos, pictures, mementos that you love in the frame.
8. Chuck it on the wall some where you will see!
I brought a small mobile printer (Instax Share by FujiFilm). It is quite pricey, and the refill paper is expensy BUT it is so cool to choose special pictures and print them out yourself! I tell ya, you really think about the pictures you print out coz of the price that comes with it.
Other ideas for it:
- Use old op shop picture frames and keep the back image on it and hang pictures in front (it may look quite busy, but its so creative!)
- Take one picture per weekend a put it in your frame to remind you of what you get up to when your not at work.
- Take images for the '#100happyday challenge' or 5 things I appreciate but instead of putting on Facebook, put in the frame.
- Have a Polaroid camera and put the photos up in the frame.
That's all from me for now! Hope you enjoy and make this awesome photo frame.
KiwiDee :)