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19 Nov 2014

Tiny House Musings

Is anyone else fascinated by the Tiny House Movement, prefab, container houses, sustainable 'off grid' and modular houses? All designed to turn conventional having a large house (and a large life long mortgage) on its head.

New Zealand Perspective
Living in New Zealand we seem to have a common goal for home ownership - and try and get it as young as you can. This article describes it as it has been hardwired into Kiwis over generations which I think is totally on the button. It just does not make sense to buy a over price house where there most likely will be ongoing significant repairs, upgrades and maintenance that you need to invest into with money you don't have.

It would be cool to create what you need now within budget and add on to it when you need to (IE have children, family or friends). What you need and not what you want (all within your individual comfort levels). This societal pressure of owning a three bedroom place with a garage and nice yard is hard to look away from.

Look at doing the 'first home' in a different way, going back to grass roots and build only what you need now. Generally first homes are much larger than whats needed now and not at all sustainable for the future.

My definition of a Tiny House
A small comfortable dwelling, that is eco friendly in nature, which sits on a big trailer base. It is often referred to in the Tiny House Movement. It is a way for people to avoid a mortgage with constant bills & maintenance, and live large in a tiny space. People have the freedom to build what they need all within the space, as it avoids building restrictions (check with local authority just in case) as it is a non permanent structure. Generally the Tiny House owner is the person that dreamed about it and built the place. Budgets range from $10K to $30K depending on costs of the trailer, building materials, furnishings, appliances and electrical system.

A few links below to ignite those brain sparks

  • Living Big in a Tiny House - Really cool video tours of Tiny Spaces in NZ
  • DIY House Building - cool article on Shaye & Tom (The tiny home built for just $24,000 in Auckland, NZ)
  • Wee make change - Based in Hawkes Bay this bloke really understands Tiny houses. He created a 3D model of his Tiny house concept  - fun!
  • Tiny House Swoon - Fun Inspiration
  • Just search 'tiny house' on Pinterest and you will be away laughing
  • Wikihouse - Imagine a mash-up of wikihouse and tiny house. Wikihouse on a trailer!
  • George Clark's Amazing Spaces TV Series - Will give you inspiration and power you forward into ideas

I am not 100% convinced yet of building and living in a tiny house but love researching different ways of living (although modern way of living). I got REALLY excited at one point and my favorite Tiny House Plan is below (the planner I used doesn't do split level so use your imagination!)




 I had an itch about a month ago to create something so I brought a pop-top caravan and am renovating it for summer living & holiday. I will write up a post on 'Spud' with lots of before and after photos!

The pop top renovation 'Spud' - Before photo

Tally ho!

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