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28 May 2011

Dee's Adventure Maps

The plan of my journey.

Rough plan of my few months in Europe.

  • From London to Spain,Italy and ending in Greece on Topdeck Tour (Road to Athens)
  • Wwoofing in Italy in Naples and Tuscany

  • To Netherlands to meet relatives and check out where the Verhaart Grandparents come from

  • Back to UK and explore

  • Melbourne city break

  • Back to NZ

Cant wait!


26 May 2011

Interesting Words of Advice

Watching the news today, Michelle Obama the first lady, said some amazing advice to young girls at Oxford University. Relationships between friends, family and lovers take up a lot of thinking time and it is nice to gain some insight from a highly distinguished women in our society. The following phrases are great pieces of advice;

" But the lesson, particularly I think for women, in this is, reach for partners that make you better, you know?  Do not bring people in your life who weigh you down.  And trust your instincts.

You know, good relationships feel good.  They feel right.  They don't hurt.  They’re not painful.  That's not just with somebody you want to marry, but it’s with the friends that you choose.  It’s with the people you surround yourselves with.  And that's just as important as the school that you choose.  Who’s in your life, and do you respect them, and do they respect you?  And are you respecting them.  Right? "

Love it.

24 May 2011

Point A. Home

I was hmming and haaaing about where and when to start my travel blog posts and I realized there is so much to see at my home!

So I have decided to start at point A on the map. My home for the last 20 years (we have never moved!).

I have to show you my room as it is my girly space. Every morning the sun shines through my bright yellow curtains and lights up the room and as my mother comments, ‘It's like being dropped into a big pool of custard!.’

Our beautiful home is the pride and joy of the family. We have lived in it for 20 years and is so inviting and warm to everyone. My friends used to comment how homely it was and that they felt comfortable there. Positive feng shui people!

..and this is where I start my travels. Point A.

9 May 2011

Travel Quotes

  • 'The trick is not to rid your stomach of butterflies, but to make them fly in formation' - Pacific Crest Outward Bound School, Book of Readings

  • 'I like the feeling when I'm travelling that I am responsible only for myself and my few possessions. In some ways I am in complete control of everything I do. In other ways, I have no choice but to surrender myself to the hands of the fates. The blending of these two states is romantic, enchanting, intoxicating' - Laurie Armstrong, vice president, San Fransisco Convention and Visitors Bureau

  • 'When was the last time you did something for the first time?'

  • 'A traveller not a tourist - Serenity not loneliness'

Unknown Gem Cuba Street, Wellington - Dance Studio

Unknown gem on Cuba st, Wellington, NZ. Dance Studio 

My haven for doing adult ballet classes throughout University. It was situated halfway up Cuba St and just oozed character. You could just imagine the many years the room had been used to rehearse productions and ready the young for their ballet exams. The ceiling was leaking occasionally so we had to dance around the buckets, there were to beautiful and big disintegrating paintings in the room that depicted dance scenes and inspired you to dance better just by looking at them.


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